You can choose from a list of currencies, or make one manually
Choose the amount you'd like to pay. You'll see a screen to enter your card number, and then select the amount of that payment.
Done. You're done.
Go to the Settings page. Here, you'll see a page of your recent purchases. Scroll down, and you'll see a button to “Add to cart” and make your purchase.
Select the payment method you'd like to use. You can use any of the five available methods, including Rakuten.
Choose Payment Type. You can also choose the card from which you'd like to make your purchase, if you'd like.
Enter the billing information for your card. Make sure the appropriate information is entered for your card.
The site has the “ability to see and sell whatever you search on cashback,” with more than 7 million pages that “cover more than 250 million products.” There are more than 6.5 million registered brands. Rakuten buys products that are not listed on eBates or eBates but are sold by the companies that list them.
To start with, it looks like an online retailer, with an array of products from almost any source you can think of.
There's a great variety in the products that you can see, ranging from food and household items to electronics and building materials. Each product also has information such as where it was made, its price and its reviews or customer reviews.
From there, you can click on the product you want to buy, and it shows you a list of other products that the company may have available, including the same one or a different one. You can also view the exact price you'll pay to buy a product, and then click on the “How to Buy” link. Here you can view the company's eBates or even the actual eBates itself, and then pay for it.
You can search by product category, or browse through a full list of all the items available on eBates. rakuten referral can search for “product” or “product category” and search for a specific item. If you have a specific item in mind, though, you'll have to do some more searching to find it. To search for a specific company, just enter its name into the search box as a search term; it will then show you all the products that the company has on offer. You can then click on the one you want to buy and then complete the purchase.